VGB Watertechniek Driplines
Self-closing pressure- compensated dripping hose designed for fruit growing.
A dripping hose with integrated pressure-compensated bush-like auto-shut-off drippers.
The most important properties of the VGB dripping hose:
- A build in valve prevents continued dripping after the faucet is shut off.
- This property protects dripping hoses from sucking up dirt, as a result of which the hose can also be used subsurface.
- A very accurate floating diaphragm regulates and controls constant delivery even under alternating admission pressure.
- The large bush-like labyrinth dripper is less dirt sensitive and self cleaning in the pressure regulated part at the outlet of the dripper.
- The hose is UV resistant.
- Resistant to the most common chemicals and manures used in agriculture.
- Complies with delivery uniformity category A (ISO 9261)
The specification of the VGB dripping hose:
- Delivery available from 1 to 3.5 ltr per hour.
- Maximum service pressure between 0.8 and 3.5 bars.
- Closing pressure is 0,1 bar and opening pressure is 0,3 bar.
- The dripping hose diameters are 12-16-20 mm.
- Constant inner diameter regardless of shell thickness.
- Available in various shell thickness.
The benefits of the VGB dripping hose:
- Dripper immediately waters at the start.
- Pump reaches optimum pressure almost immediately.
- Short dripping turns with no delivery variation on emptying.
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